Many years ago, my husband was stationed in Europe. When you are living far from your birth family, the other Americans around you become your second family. My European second family has stepped forward to help with the translations of Why(r)us the Virus and I can now provide the book in German (Why(r)us das Virus), French (Why(r)us le Virus) and Spanish (Why(r)us El Virus). The women who did the translations (Angie, Sophie and Andrea) were military spouses like myself, and we worked together in Europe to look after the American families stationed with us. Angie is a German national, Sophie is a French National, and Andrea is the daughter of a Mexican national, and all of them donated their time and energy to provide excellent translations so that the book can be of use world-wide. I am so grateful to them for their continuing contributions to increase the Good Energy in the world. Hopefully we can visit again soon, once the vaccine has made a difference in the pandemic’s spread. Just so lucky to have their friendship and support…