Pandemic Holiday Blues (And Reds)

—Kathleen Finnegan, November 2020

In this year of the Pandemic
With so many out of work
We are fighting over face masks
But our leaders only shirk
While the Christmas music started
Right around November first
We are hopeful and yet fearful
That we haven’t seen the worst
So we’ll gather up our closest
And remember those afar
As we lift a cup of cheer to those
Who aren’t here any more
And with thanks we’ll eat whatever
Food is put upon our plate
As we say a quiet prayer for those
Whom we consider “late”
We will not let this pandemic
Kill the joy and love we feel
As we gather oh so virtually
This year’s Christmas is surreal.

I wrote this in November 2020, as we approached the holidays and had decided that it was not prudent to travel in order to gather as a family. With the computer in the kitchen and everyone online doing the usual holiday tasks, it was much more enjoyable than anticipated, and we were able to include other families across the globe, a true bonus. I am posting it now as a belated thanks to ZOOM for extending the session times for the holidays in the free versions. They didn’t have to do that, but it was much appreciated.
It certainly made a difference for us.

The Only Limitation is Within Us

We have all heard that little voice that says “what if it doesn’t work”? “What if they don’t Ike it?” “What if they make fun of me?”

Don’t listen to that voice. What does it matter if it works, or they like it, or they tease you? What is important is the trying. What is important is do YOU like it? What is important is that you don’t limit yourself before you even make an attempt, because that is the surest path to failure.

Pick a few of your own possibilities and make them real. At the very least, you will shut up that negative little voice for a few minutes – and perhaps forever!

A Hopeful Sign…

The Sunday comics were up to their usual shenanigans today. Life must be getting back to normal, at least a little bit at a time. Thank you, cartoonists, comic strip creators and other illustrators of the quandaries of daily life, for helping me navigate this past year . A little smile goes a long way…even if its only a smirk.

The B.A.N.J.O. Party

Watercolor of Capitol Building with Heart and Flag

A political party with these stated principles...

Benificence – the quality or state of doing or producing good
Autonomy – the property of having one’s decisions respected, honored, and heeded within a political context
Nonmaleficence – an obligation and dedication not to inflict harm on others; closely associated with primum non nocere (first do no harm)
Justice – moral obligation to act on the basis of fairness, entitlement, equality and in accordance with law
Openness – openhearted, openminded, open actions (transparency)

You don’t need to leave your current party. Just bring these qualities and principles in with you, and we will all benefit, regardless of what party we affiliate with.

I began this painting on January 6, 2021 and finished it on January 20, 2021. If we look for the good in each other, we find common ground. Look for the bad in each other, and we find poisoned soil. Plant the seeds of the future where they can grow, on common ground.

Amanda Gorman

It wasn’t just that her reading of her poem at the inauguration was sincere and polished, or that she was beautiful, or that she was well dressed and well spoken and composed. It was the Spirit that glowed through her, that incredible optimism and belief in humanity – to see that in a woman that young, from a segment of the population that has every reason to not feel optimistic on any given day made me feel for a moment just as optimistic and positive about my country’s future as she did. Just My Luck to be so blessed.

But of course…

Well…it’s Thanksgiving week, when I start work on the family calendar for almost 80 people…AND the German version of my book is ready to send to press…so OF COURSE it is time for my computer to fail. Yep, the big bad BSOD showed up last night. Who has time for this? Not me!

So keep your fingers, eyes and any other manageable limbs crossed for me and my machine. My guess is that I will have to reinstall…a bit of a problem as that is where the book is currently living. Hopefully I can make a copy of all that first so that I don’t lose all that work. Sigh…

But really…JML.

The 2020 election is amazing!

JML to be able to witness this election rather than read about it in a history book! To see citizens actively engaged in choosing their president, to have people care that much about the outcome – what a blessing! Many people may be disappointed – some because their candidate didn’t win, some because they find it hard to believe that their version of American values is not universally shared. But we cast our vote, we accept the result (however reluctantly) and we move on…and if the result was not as we wished, we know we have another chance in 4 years, and we get to work on that. It’s going to be okay, America. Be kind to each other.