The Only Limitation is Within Us

We have all heard that little voice that says “what if it doesn’t work”? “What if they don’t Ike it?” “What if they make fun of me?”

Don’t listen to that voice. What does it matter if it works, or they like it, or they tease you? What is important is the trying. What is important is do YOU like it? What is important is that you don’t limit yourself before you even make an attempt, because that is the surest path to failure.

Pick a few of your own possibilities and make them real. At the very least, you will shut up that negative little voice for a few minutes – and perhaps forever!

I am afraid to blog

Trying something new can be scary, embarrassing, humiliating. It can also be thrilling, empowering, strengthening. I learn something every time. I am horrible at it, I am okay at it, I am awesome at it. I hate it, I tolerate it, I LOVE it.

I learn that I love learning. I learn that perfection is not my goal.

I learn that you should save DRAFTS immediately upon creating them or they may disappear forever.